One step for Madam, One step for the world.夫人一小步,世界一大步。
2020, the COVID-19 in the World has made us cherishing life more, and we have seen the beauty of human nature already. World Madam hopes to bring more outstanding married women together, by passing the spirit of love, make contributions not only for families to share harmonious and happiness, but also for world peace and development.
2020年伊始,世界因新冠疫情的发生让我们更加涌动起对生命的珍爱,对人性美好的呼唤。World Madam基金会希望凝聚全球卓越已婚女性,通过爱的传递,来为促进全球家庭共享和谐幸福,进而维护世界和平与发展奉献”她“力量。
Sponsor by WMF (World Madam Foundation), co-sponsor by UNGLF(United Nations Global Leaders Association), IPA (International Pageant Association), World Women Federation Association and WMG(World Madam Group), a press conference will be jointly hold in US, Canada and China in August , 2020. International celebrities, members from above sponsors will be specially invited, and all friends are welcome to join us.
由World Madam Foundation(世界夫人基金会)、United Nations Global Leaders Association(联合国领袖总联盟)、International Pageant Association(国际选美总会)、World Women Federation Association(世界妇女联合会)、World Madam Group Co.,Limited(世界夫人集团有限公司)联合发起的World Madam世界夫人全球系列文化活动即将启幕。相关新闻发布会将在2020年8月由加拿大、美国、中国联合同步启动。届时将邀请国际名人、政要,发起单位、主办单位、承办单位的主要代表及新老朋友们出席或参与。
The World Madam, a brand new, specification, globally competition will be activated at that time. The world will be beautiful by women and it more like a world because of women. We are having more and more world women and friends to join us now, and we will all work together in patriotism, home love, environment care and charity.
Wonderful, and coming soon.
崭新、规范、全球的World Madam世界夫人大赛也即将扬帆起航。世界因女性而更加美好,人类因女性而成其为世界。我们将召集更多卓越的世界夫人和朋友们和我们一起在爱国、爱家、爱护环境、公益慈善的道路上比肩同行。
World Madam Foundation 世界夫人基金会
United Nations Global Leaders Association 联合国全球领袖联盟
IPA (International Pageant Association) 国际选美协会
World Women Federation Association世界妇女联合会
World Madam Group Co.,Limited 世界夫人集团
The lawyer's statement律师声明
World Madam Foundation, World Madam Group Co., Limited, or Anni Huang shall not be liable for any activities, which are not initiated by World Madam Foundation and hosted by World Madam Group Co., Limited, or without the consent of Anni Huang..
凡非由World Madam Foundation世界夫人基金会发起、World Madam Group Co.,Limitef世界夫人集团有限公司主办或未经Anni Huang书面同意的世界夫人赛事等活动均与World Madam Foundation世界夫人基金会、World Madam Group Co.,Limitef世界夫人集团有限公司、Anni Huang黄安妮无关。
One step for Madam, One step for the world.夫人一小步,世界一大步。
2020, the COVID-19 in the World has made us cherishing life more, and we have seen the beauty of human nature already. World Madam hopes to bring more outstanding married women together, by passing the spirit of love, make contributions not only for families to share harmonious and happiness, but also for world peace and development.
2020年伊始,世界因新冠疫情的发生让我们更加涌动起对生命的珍爱,对人性美好的呼唤。World Madam基金会希望凝聚全球卓越已婚女性,通过爱的传递,来为促进全球家庭共享和谐幸福,进而维护世界和平与发展奉献”她“力量。
Sponsor by WMF (World Madam Foundation), co-sponsor by UNGLF(United Nations Global Leaders Association), IPA (International Pageant Association), World Women Federation Association and WMG(World Madam Group), a press conference will be jointly hold in US, Canada and China in August , 2020. International celebrities, members from above sponsors will be specially invited, and all friends are welcome to join us.
由World Madam Foundation(世界夫人基金会)、United Nations Global Leaders Association(联合国领袖总联盟)、International Pageant Association(国际选美总会)、World Women Federation Association(世界妇女联合会)、World Madam Group Co.,Limited(世界夫人集团有限公司)联合发起的World Madam世界夫人全球系列文化活动即将启幕。相关新闻发布会将在2020年8月由加拿大、美国、中国联合同步启动。届时将邀请国际名人、政要,发起单位、主办单位、承办单位的主要代表及新老朋友们出席或参与。
The World Madam, a brand new, specification, globally competition will be activated at that time. The world will be beautiful by women and it more like a world because of women. We are having more and more world women and friends to join us now, and we will all work together in patriotism, home love, environment care and charity.
Wonderful, and coming soon.
崭新、规范、全球的World Madam世界夫人大赛也即将扬帆起航。世界因女性而更加美好,人类因女性而成其为世界。我们将召集更多卓越的世界夫人和朋友们和我们一起在爱国、爱家、爱护环境、公益慈善的道路上比肩同行。
World Madam Foundation 世界夫人基金会
United Nations Global Leaders Association 联合国全球领袖联盟
IPA (International Pageant Association) 国际选美协会
World Women Federation Association世界妇女联合会
World Madam Group Co.,Limited 世界夫人集团
The lawyer's statement律师声明
World Madam Foundation, World Madam Group Co., Limited, or Anni Huang shall not be liable for any activities, which are not initiated by World Madam Foundation and hosted by World Madam Group Co., Limited, or without the consent of Anni Huang..
凡非由World Madam Foundation世界夫人基金会发起、World Madam Group Co.,Limitef世界夫人集团有限公司主办或未经Anni Huang书面同意的世界夫人赛事等活动均与World Madam Foundation世界夫人基金会、World Madam Group Co.,Limitef世界夫人集团有限公司、Anni Huang黄安妮无关。
“金九”发力失败 “银十”车市同样无力 同比下降4% 中汽协发布10月车市数据
日前,中国汽车工业协会(以下简称中汽协)公布了最新一期中国汽车市场销量数据:10月份中国汽车产销量分别为229 5万辆和228 4万辆,环比增长
经销商库存系数迎来四连降 10月库存水平降至警戒线下
11月11日,中国汽车流通协会发布了10月汽车经销商库存调查结果。结果显示,10月汽车经销商综合库存系数为1 39,同比下降26 1%,环比下降7 1
2025年后 我国所有车型有望全部采用中国工况 部分企业先行
汽车工况是汽车行业重要的共性基础,也是车辆、能耗、测试方法和限值方法的基础,此前,我国采用NEDC(欧3 4排放标准的一型试验)工况,消费
10月车市下滑收窄:强势品牌恒强 新能源“四连降” 补贴“退坡”市场趋冷
10月,我国狭义乘用车销量为1843406辆,环比上涨3 5%,同比下滑5 7%,下滑幅度收窄,但仍是自2016年来的最差10月。车市寒冬也加剧了马太效
冷门专业背后的火爆需求 殡葬专业大学生:这行值得尊重 并非“吃死人饭”